유튜브 랭킹
British High Schoolers Try Korean Beef + Ramyeon Combo for the first time!!
  • 조회수 5,184,738
  • 2022-08-13
Last video we left Seoul and the boys had the time of their lives at a Korean water park, Bobby had his first ever boat ride and we all got KO'ed by Thanos... But it wouldn't be a proper day of fun on the water without ending it with the perfect Korean camping combo...

Big shout out to Sir.Loin for sending us some incredible Hanwoo (Korean Beef) for the boys, sponsoring this episode, and helping us make this trip possible!


지난편에 저희는 서울 근교에 있는 빠지에 가서 잊지 못할 시간을 보냈는데요. 보비는 살면서 처음으로 보트를 타봤고, 저희는 모두 타노스를 탄뒤 KO 됐죠... 이렇게 신나게 물놀이한뒤 필요한건? 바로 제대로된 고기와 라면 조합이었어요!i
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