유튜브 랭킹
Mobile Suit Gundam the Witch from Mercury #20 "The End of Hope"(EN,CN,HK,TW,KR,TH,ID,VN sub)
  • 조회수 417,051
  • 2023-06-04
An era when a multitude of corporations have entered space and built a huge economic system. After transferring to the Asticassia School of Technology from the planet Mercury, Suletta Mercury has experienced a school life filled with encounters and excitement, as both Miorine Rembran's bridegroom and a member of GUNDAM-ARM, Inc.

It has been two weeks since the incident at Plant Quetta. Suletta passes her days at the school, anticipating her reunion with Miorine. Miorine, meanwhile, has stationed herself at the head office of the Benerit Group, monitoring her father's condition. The two are about to face new hardships and pressing decisions. Each with her own feelings in her heart, the girls will confront the mighty curse the Gundam brings.

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