유튜브 랭킹
SEVENTEEN becomes the MAESTRO of wordsㅣK-Pop ON! Playlist ZIP PARTY (Part 2)
  • 조회수 1,652,966
  • 2024-05-10
It’s a given fact that SEVENTEEN is exceptionally talented when it comes to dancing…But how are they when it comes to explaining a dance?

Watch the members conduct each other via only words and enjoy the chaos that unfolds!

There’s also more chaos to unfold on Spot the Liar Interview, coming soon on Sunday, May 12, 7pm KST!

Meanwhile, jump right on over to the K-Pop ON! Playlist and listen to SEVENTEEN’s “MAESTRO”!

Listen to K-Pop ON! Playlist, only on Spotify

? Watch K-Pop ON! Video Podcast, only on Spotify

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